A brief introduction to winter bamboo shoots

Winter bamboo shoots are buds that develop from the lateral buds of the underground stem (bamboo whip) of Phyllostachys pubescens (Phyllostachys pubescens) before and after the beginning of winter. Due to their immature nature, they are a favorite dish for people to eat. The main production areas are Chishui, Guizhou, Yibin, Sichuan, Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guangxi, and other places. Due to soil and environmental reasons, Guizhou Chishui winter bamboo shoots have a low oxalic acid content and can be directly fried, with the characteristic of not being numb in water
Although harvesting winter bamboo shoots affects bamboo reproduction, reasonable harvesting can not only ensure the normal growth of bamboo, but also increase economic income and meet consumer demand.

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Nutritional value contained in bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots contain protein, amino acids, fat, sugars, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, carotene, etc

Nutritional value contained in corn

The nutritional value of corn is as follows: Firstly, corn is rich in plant cellulose, which can promote the discharge of carcinogens and toxic substances; Secondly, corn is rich in calcium, which can promote cell division, lower serum cholesterol, and prevent sedimentation on blood vessel walls, thereby achieving the effect of lowering blood pressure; Third, anti aging, because corn contains many nutrients, which can make the skin delicate and smooth, and delay aging.

Vitamins contained in bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots are crispy, tender, and delicious. They are not only a delicacy in dishes, but also have certain medicinal and edible effects. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica (Compendium of Materia Medica) of traditional medicine, the main functions of bamboo shoots are to quench thirst, promote diuresis, replenish qi and heat, and dissipate phlegm and invigorate the stomach. From a nutritional perspective, bamboo shoots have the characteristics of low fat, low sugar, and multi fiber. Bamboo shoots are natural low-fat and low-calorie foods that are suitable for weight loss. The dietary fiber contained in bamboo shoots can increase the storage of water in the intestinal tract, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, soften feces, and facilitate excretion. It can treat constipation and prevent bowel cancer. The dietary fiber contained in bamboo shoots also has a certain adsorption function, which can reduce the absorption rate of sugar, fat, and cholesterol in food, and has a certain auxiliary effect on the treatment of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia. The content of plant protein, vitamins, and trace elements in bamboo shoots is relatively high, helping to strengthen human immune function and improve the ability to prevent and resist diseases.